Fresh Signals for summer 2019

A photo of a copy of Signals standing up on a desk
Fresh from the printers

Here’s a new summer 2019 edition of our free periodical, Signals. As promised, it’s magenta.

Over the last week or so, we’ve been posting out copies to friends, contacts, clients and affiliates all over the world. You might have seen a few photos of it appearing on social media.

A photo of a copy of Signals standing up on a desk

The theme for this issue is our affiliates. Every contributor is a member of our affiliates network, and the foreword was written by our Affiliates Director Ali Kelly.

The contents list looks like this:

How to get a copy

We have a couple of hundred copies of this issue to give away to anyone who asks for one. If you’d like to request a copy, fill out this Google form. (Note: we can’t guarantee that everyone who asks for a copy will get one. First come, first served. We’ll keep giving them away until we run out.)

The first Signals is now online

A photo of a copy of Signals standing up on a desk
Now you can read the first Signals online

When we published the first edition at the end of last year, a lot of people asked if we were going to publish a digital version of it. Now we have: all of the articles from that edition are now online to read at

We hope you enjoy reading them.

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