A quick update

  • 22 July 2019

It’s been an exceptionally busy couple of months at Public Digital, and our blog has been quiet. This post is mainly just photos from recent trips we’ve been making, so it’s not as much of a blog post as we’d normally like. That said, an update of sorts is better than no update at all.

So, in the last few weeks:

Mike and Emma went to Cambridge, USA

Emma at the lecturn at Harvard
They were attending the 2nd Digital Services Convening, hosted with our friends at the Harvard Kennedy School in Cambridge. (Here’s our write-up from last year’s event; we’ll post something about this year’s event in the next few days.)

Dai and James went to Lima, Peru

Dai with a copy of Signals in Peru

He was there with James Higgs from IDEO. James Stewart joined them a week or so later.

During the same week,

Emily, Jamie, Sonja and Stef went to Madagascar

Sonja, Stef, Emily and Kishor in Madagascar (thanks to Kishor for the photo)
Jamie went too, but he’s not in this picture. We’ll tell you more about Madagascar in another blog post soon.

Andrew and James went to the Netherlands

They spoke at the Delivering Digital Government conference in The Hague, organised by our friends at Worth.

Emma and Andrew went to Victoria, Canada

We’ve just started our second project with the Government of British Columbia. Technically, this picture was taken the first time out, but we failed to get any with the sun shining this time.

And finally last week:

Giles and Lawrence went to Munich

The Munich team: Samer, Lawrence, Gemma and Giles

… to do some work with our partners at IDEO.

That’s just some of what’s been keeping us busy for the last 6 weeks or so. (There were some other adventures too, but we didn’t manage to get photos for all of them.) The next 6 weeks look slightly quieter, thanks to the summer holidays. Slightly.

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