Signals from the field of international development

Photo of Signals on a table

Here it is, fresh from the printer: the latest edition of our periodical, Signals. This one is all about digital transformation in international development, reflecting Public Digital’s growing work in that area.

It’s very different in content, tone and style to the previous edition (which you can now read for free online).

That last Signals was mostly practical advice, tips and tricks for practitioners. This one takes a step back and a wider view of its subject matter. It’s more reflective, but no less opinionated.

In this edition:

Photo of Signals on a table
Needless to say, this issue started as an idea on a sticky note

The opportunities and challenges of digital transformation in Rwanda, Peru, or India are in many ways similar to those in Australia, Denmark or Canada. These articles talk about the culture clash between how most big institutions work, and agile software development. They stress the need to focus on outcomes, and not to be thrown off by rankings, lazy equations or false certainty.

Our contributors also argue that some considerations are especially urgent or important in developing country contexts: whether that’s doing user research, or using data responsibly. They also pose questions that are becoming more pressing: on power, regulation and platforms; on digital identity for development; on making measurement and evaluation more relevant; and on open source and trust.

How to get a copy

As usual, we have some copies to give away to those who ask for them.

This time, the first chance to ask for a copy will be offered to Public Digital newsletter subscribers on Friday: subscribe now to be on the list. We’ve printed a few hundred copies; we’ll do our best to send one to everyone who asks for one, on a first-come first-served basis.

We’d like to use this opportunity to say a public “thank you” to all our contributors: we know your day jobs keep you busy enough. Thank you for giving up some of your time to help create this publication.

Photo of Signals on a table

1 thought on Signals from the field of international development

  1. Dave WoodruffDecember 6, 2019

    Looks fab, have just signed up to newsletter! Would love a hardcopy to wow my colleagues.

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