Intercorp, Peru

15 new digital services at Peru’s largest conglomerate

Public Digital shows us what to do and tells us what we need to hear, not what we want to hear. That level of transparency has been incredibly helpful in the transformation of our companies to the digital economy.

Carlos Rodríguez-PastorIntercorp President

The problem

Intercorp needed to transform its culture, processes, business models and technology to respond to a changing world and build resilience. It also needed to protect its model from Silicon Valley competition.

Critically, it had to do this at scale: Intercorp is a conglomerate of 45 companies which accounts for 4% of Peruvian GDP.

What Public Digital did

  1. 1We provided strategic advice to the group owner and strategic direction at Board level. We helped to hire digital practitioners with the right skills, and provided access to global digital talent and visitors.
  2. 2We worked with our partners at IDEO to set up a new innovation and prototyping lab. Together, we set up alpha projects and helped them scale.
  3. 3We supported Intercorp with leadership change and incentives, and helped them take their alpha services to market.

What Intercorp achieved

Group CEOs and senior leaders now recognise and support digital transformation. The technology leadership at Intercorp formed talented digital teams in the individual businesses. They formed cross-group communities of practice.

The new teams designed and led a service creation process which allowed the board to evaluate its companies’ digital readiness.

Intercorp has now shipped dozens of award-winning digital products and services which helped bring the unbanked into the formal economy.

Emma and Andrew with the team
James presenting at an Intercorp summit
A poster at the office
Public Digital


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