New South Wales state government, Australia

Setting up a new funding model for digital in Australia

The problem

An Australian state government needed to stimulate economic growth through making investments in digital infrastructure and skills. At the same time it needed to improve the user experience of public services and reduce its dependence on big IT contracts.

What Public Digital did

  1. 1We presented to senior officials in finance on ways of working required of internet-era Treasury departments
  2. 2We advised the minister and his team on setting up successful technology spend controls
  3. 3We built relationships within international networks to share peer learning and best practice

What New South Wales achieved

In June 2020, the New South Wales Government announced it would form a Digital Restart Fund to make the state the digital capital of the southern hemisphere. The Digital Restart Fund is the first of its kind in the world.

A powerful committee was set up to oversee a new funding process for all Digital and ICT investments.

  • New South Wales announced it would invest $1.6 billion into the Digital Restart Fund.

  • New South Wales has put a hard stop on any IT contracts over $20 million.

With the New South Wales' treasury team
Public Digital


Public Digital
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London EC1R 3AU


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