Andrea Barenque

  • Data policy specialist
  • Network

Andrea is a Data Policy specialist. She worked as a civil servant for the Mexican government for over eight years. Her last position was in the Digital Strategy team, as Deputy General Director of Open Data and part of the platform management team.

She is a registered trainer for the Open Data Institute and she has designed and facilitated several data-related courses for public servants at local and national levels in Latin America.
In the private sector, she joined Twitter´s Public Policy and Philanthropy office in Washington DC in 2019 and then accepted a position as Product Manager in OPI Analytics, a Mexican startup dedicated to developing machine learning solutions for government and companies.

In the last year, she has focused on launching her own consultancy agency - Datamorfosis - aimed at developing data-ready teams in Latin America.

Ask Andrea about:

  • Data policy, data governance, and data ethics

  • Creating data teams at the national or city level

  • Data for anti corruption

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