Anna Goss

  • Service designer and product manager
  • Network
Anna Goss

Anna Goss is a service designer and product manager. She has experience in both the public and private sector, and has built and shipped products and services for organisations including the Government Digital Service (GDS), the Co-op, Sainsbury’s, and Barclays.

While at GDS, Anna worked in leadership teams on GOV.UK Verify and GOV.UK. She built a design team in GOV.UK Verify, and embedded user-centred processes into the redesign of the UK government’s identity standards. She also led the discovery and trial of GOV.UK accounts.

Before working in government, Anna worked with the Co-op to design more efficient ways to run their supermarkets. While consulting at Pivotal Labs, she worked with Sainsbury’s to help them be the first UK supermarket to test an on-demand, one hour, grocery delivery service.

She has consulted with national and regional governments in Colombia, Argentina, Bosnia and Herzegovina, North Macedonia, Montenegro and Uzbekistan.

Anna’s interest in financial services has led to her designing tools to help others understand defined benefit pensions, and writing a newsletter to de-mystify personal finance.

Before working in digital, Anna worked in the music industry as an artist manager.

Ask Anna about:

  • Building user-centred design teams

  • Testing assumptions through prototyping

  • Making personal finance more user centred

Recent posts from Anna

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