Caroline is the forms specialist, advising organisations on how to make forms easier to fill in and how to improve services that include forms.
She uses a mixture of service design, content design, interaction design, and user research techniques to identify problems with forms and services, and works with teams to help them decide how to create immediate improvements and to increase their skills in the longer term.
Caroline is co-author of Forms that Work: Designing Web Forms for Usability (Morgan Kaufmann/Elsevier) and of User Interface Design and Evaluation (The Open University/Elsevier).
Her research on topics like “How do people answer questions?” led her to explore the literature on survey methodology, the concept of Total Survey Error, and advising her clients on how to improve their surveys, as well as their forms. Her most recent book is Surveys that work: A practical guide to designing and running surveys (Rosenfeld Media).
Caroline has an MA in Mathematics from Oxford University, an MBA and a Diploma in Statistics from the Open University. She is a Chartered Engineer and a Fellow of the Society for Technical Communication.
Ask Caroline about:
Making forms easier to fill in
Reducing the costs of dealing with forms
Asking better questions on forms and on surveys
Delivering more cost-effective services