Emily Tavoulareas

  • Technology, transformation and change specialist
  • Network

Emily Tavoulareas is a technologist with expertise in modernization, digital transformation, and organizational change. She works with leaders to craft and achieve the strategy for their organisation's future.

In her career she has been a product manager, service designer, user researcher, program designer, and advisor to senior executives transforming the products, services, and/or organisations they run. In every role she translates a deep understanding of human and organisational needs into viable solutions.

From 2013-2018 she worked with the Department of Veterans Affairs and the White House to modernize the way the federal government delivers services to the public. From co-founding the first agency-level team of the U.S. Digital Service and modernizing the Veterans application for healthcare, to piloting and scaling the Human-Centered Design methodology with an intrepid team at the VA Center for Innovation and serving as Senior Policy Advisor the U.S. Chief Technology Officer at the White House, she has experienced first hand what it takes to modernise and transform large and complex organizations.

She is currently a fellow at Georgetown’s Beeck Center, adjunct professor at Columbia University, and an independent advisor helping leaders across industries effectively navigate the complex process of improving their product / service / organisation.

Ask Emily about:

  • Service design
  • Digital transformation
  • Building effective product teams in government
Public Digital


Public Digital
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London EC1R 3AU



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