Frances Berriman

  • Digital services designer
  • Network
Frances Berriman

Frances Berriman is a digital services designer and technology person. She was one of the founding members of the UK’s Government Digital Service, building and releasing GOV.UK. She also helped develop the GDS Design Principles and Service Manual.

Frances was the Head of Product Design and User Experience at Netlify, a start-up in San Francisco. She also worked for Code for America as a Senior Designer and Product Lead, spearheading their ‘Digital Front Door’ project, helping American cities and counties rethink what it means to have a single-domain on the web that serves the needs of their users.

Previously, she was a front-end engineer for Nature Publishing Group and the BBC and worked on open source projects such as the JavaScript library Glow and Microformats.

Ask Frances about:

  • building and working with cross-discipline teams
  • product and delivery management
  • understanding user needs and building prototypes to test assumptions
Public Digital


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