Holly Roscoe

  • Resourcing Manager
  • Staff
Holly Roscoe

Holly is Public Digital’s Resourcing Manager and works closely with a variety of teams and stakeholders across the business to coordinate all activities related to resourcing and mobilising teams for Public Digital’s client work. Holly also manages our Network of Experts, including everything from initial introductions, contract management as well as delivering the onboarding journey for new members joining the Network.

Holly also works as part of the people team to drive a first class people experience for PD People and Network Members.

Ask Holly about:

  • Joining the Network

  • Project opportunities

Public Digital


Public Digital
Clerks Court
18-20 Farringdon Lane
London EC1R 3AU



Our Positions

Our values expressed in action and outcomes.

Read them here


A regular scan about internet-era ways of working in public and private organisations around the world.