Pascale Elvas

  • Digital transformation specialist
  • Network

Pascale Elvas has focused the majority of her career on digital transformation – with nearly the last decade as an executive. She has unique experience leading start-up organisations in government.

Based in Ottawa, Canada, Pascale was a founder and Senior Director at the Canadian Digital Service. She helped scale the team from three to over 60 employees in under 18 months, recruiting top talent from around the globe. She played a key role in securing the organization’s budget, mandate and first CEO.

Pascale is currently the Executive Director of Digital Strategy and Planning for the Chief Information Officer of Canada.

She was specially deployed at the beginning of the pandemic to lead the digital service delivery on Canada’s Covid-19 Taskforce.

Before that, Pascale was the Director of the Blueprint 2020 National Secretariat. She joined the Secretariat at launch, and led a core team in helping to create a public service that is open, networked and makes smart use of technology.

Pascale was a founding member of Shared Services Canada, created in 2011 to manage the Government's IT infrastructure. She worked in the President's office for three years.

As a volunteer, Pascale served as Co-Chair of the Government of Canada Workplace Charitable Campaign. In this capacity, she co-founded ProjectBe – which has raised over four million dollars for youth fundraising causes to date.

With a background in sociology, Pascale is passionate about the human aspect of where public policy and digital meet. She is the recipient of a Public Service Award of Excellence for innovation.

Ask Pascale about:

  • Authorities, mission and mandate
  • Recruiting and retaining top talent
  • Policy levers and working in the open
Public Digital


Public Digital
Clerks Court
18-20 Farringdon Lane
London EC1R 3AU


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