Roger Oldham

  • Digital leader
  • Network
Roger Oldham

Roger Oldham was the founding Chief Digital Officer at the UK’s Ministry of Justice where he created Justice Digital – the first digital start-up in a major UK government delivery department, scaling it from 0 to 85 people in its first 15 months. During this time he established some of the ministry’s first multidisciplinary product teams, authored the first digital justice strategy, and launched some of the UK’s first digital public services through GOV.UK.

Prior to government, Roger grew the digital business as Web Director at Europe’s biggest business media company Reed Business Information, having started his career at the Financial Times in London.

Now based in Vancouver, Canada, Roger works with government and large pre-internet clients to redesign their institutions, services and products for the internet era. When he’s not consulting you’ll find him working on his own start-up, a new way to experience any city.

Ask Roger about:

  • Internet-era organisational design and ways of working
  • Digital and product leadership
  • Starting small and iterating at pace
  • Scaling digital capability
Public Digital


Public Digital
Clerks Court
18-20 Farringdon Lane
London EC1R 3AU


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