Saw Nwe

  • Consultant
  • Staff

Saw is a consultant at Public Digital, supporting the Healthcare sector. She is a medical doctor in the NHS with experience working on Acute and Forensic mental health care.

During her time in the NHS, she became interested in design as a tool to improve patients and staff experiences of the healthcare system. This led to her completing Masters in Healthcare and Design at Imperial College and Royal College of Art, where she developed design skills and approaches to research, develop and test ideas to solve complex healthcare challenges.

Her interests in parental mental wellbeing led to design research in maternal mental health during pregnancy and after birth. This project eMpower formed the basis of her startup Aloe Health.

She was a design associate at the Royal College of Art on a UKRI (UK Research and Innovation) funded project called “Connecting Roots”. The project uses design to develop a holistic and collaborative and human-centred approach to scaling the Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise (VCSE) sector to deliver Green Social Prescribing services for community health and wellbeing.

Ask Saw about:

  • first-hand clinical experience of service delivery in medical and mental health settings
  • the role of design in healthcare
  • design research tools and methods
Public Digital


Public Digital
Clerks Court
18-20 Farringdon Lane
London EC1R 3AU


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