Emma Gawen

  • Partner - Americas Sector Lead
  • Staff

Emma Gawen leads our public sector work in the Americas. She is a digital strategy and product specialist, with extensive international experience. She helps governments to set digital and technology strategy, design digital teams, create successful government websites and online services.

Emma advises leaders on how to create the institutional conditions for digital teams to succeed. She has advised governments including the State of California, British Columbia, Nova Scotia, Argentina, Peru and Estonia.

Before she joined Public Digital, Emma worked as a senior civil servant in the UK’s Government Digital Service and New Zealand CIO office, advising ministers and senior officials on digital delivery. She started her career at the UK Ministry of Justice.

Ask Emma about:

  • Best practice in digital organisations and governments around the world
  • Product management vs project management
  • How to bring internet-era ways of working into traditional organisations
  • Setting technology and procurement strategy to give delivery teams the right conditions for success
Public Digital


Public Digital
Clerks Court
18-20 Farringdon Lane
London EC1R 3AU



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A regular scan about internet-era ways of working in public and private organisations around the world.